See it for yourself - visit us on the land.

We are located at 286 Lexington Rd (Rt. 16) in Kingfield, ME and we would love to show you around.

Before you come - we have a few rules for your time on the farm:

1) Please be aware that while this is a working farm, it is also our home and we very much appreciate your respect of our working days & hours. They can be found on our Instagram, as well as in the footer of this webpage.

2) Please follow signage to our parking area up by the fields and do not park alongside the farmhouse.

3) Please leave your dogs home if you are coming to visit us. We know, we love to take our dogs everywhere with us, too. The problem is, we have resident farm dogs here that are very territorial. They’re friendly with people, but not generally with other dogs. It would break our hearts if anything happened to our dogs or to yours during your visit.

4) Please only drive and walk on marked driveways/walkways. Please no ATV’s or motorized anything off of the driveway.

5) Our greenspace is a wonderful place for a family picnic, and you are welcome to use it. Please remember to carry out any trash with you.

6) Bring your kids, but please keep them close. Do not allow children to walk in the rows, pick vegetables or fruit, or approach/climb on any animals or machinery.

We reserve the right to ask anyone found to be breaking these rules to leave the premises at any time.

Thank you in advance for your care and respect.

Come on over!